How it works

Business Connection is breaking the mould of traditional Business Networking!

In the process of this mission, we are accelerating the lead generation process for many Small Businesses and seeing these Businesses thrive and succeed in challenging times

Profitable Business is built on Relationship - Relationship starts with making a Connection

  • From making a Connection and by investing time into the process, you build the Know, Like and Trust factors with that Connection and this naturally develops a Relationship
  • With a Relationship in place, your Business will now see direct work and clients, referrals, introductions and recommendations coming to your Business
  • ALL of these avenues of new Business are vital in growing and sustaining your Business
  • At Business Connection, our main vehicle for assisting your Business to make Profitable Connections is our Business CONNECT meetings
  • These last for 2 hours and are packed with opportunities for pure Connecting and talking about your Business – we do not have long rambling Keynote Speakers at our Business CONNECT events as we are about Pure Connecting!
  • We do have a Business Talk that deliver REAL Business Advice and information to help YOU and your Business to Grow and Develop!
  • These are the FIVE opportunities to Connect with other Businesses in the CONNECT Meeting and to share about your Business (Who you are, What your Business does and How you can assist other Businesses in the CONNECT Meeting)
FIVE Opportunities to make Profitable Connections
  • Mix and Mingle over a great Buffet at the start of the CONNECT Meeting
  • Participate in a stimulating Group discussion with other Business people in the CONNECT Meeting
  • The opportunity to deliver your 60-second presentation to ALL the Businesses in the Meeting
  • Creatively connect with every Business in the Meeting via Linkedin - we show you how!
  • A fantastic Open session where you can freely Pitch to the CONNECT Meeting to let people know about your services, upcoming events, offers etc

All the above for a CONNECT Meeting Fee of £20.00 per meeting!

If you want to invest your time, once per month, into working on your Business and developing Profitable Connections leading to Relationships that bring you in additional Business and Clients, then please Book Your Place at the Events Page Page and Join us at the next Business Connection CONNECT Meeting!

If you would like to explore the Business Connection, feel that you can subscribe to the Business Connection Values and would like an invitation to a Meeting, please fill out the Contact Form and Jaz and Alma will be in touch for a conversation!

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