- Date & time: 17 / 02 / 2021 at 12:00
- Duration: 2.5 hours
- Address: Via Zoom, Participate via your Computer or Smartphone, Accessible!
- Available places: We are fully booked.
The Business Connection XTRA Meeting is much MORE than just is the place to make Profitable Connections for your Business! Once you experience one of our XTRA Meetings you will never look at Networking the same again!
The Business Connection XTRA Meeting is much MORE than just is the place to make Profitable Connections for your Business!
Once you experience one of our XTRA Meetings you will never look at Networking the same again!
We provide you with no less than TEN Opportunities for you to connect directly with other Business people in the Meeting including:
# FIVE 1-2-1 meetings, just you and another Business person talking in a Zoom Breakout Room
# Participate in a stimulating Group discussion with at least 5 other Business people in the Meeting
# A unique Meet and Greet Group session for you to speak directly with up to 5 other Business people in the Meeting
# The opportunity to deliver your 60-second presentation to ALL the Businesses in the Meeting
# Creatively connect with every Business in the Meeting via Linkedin - we show you how!
# A fantastic session where you can freely Open Pitch to the Meeting via chat
These are TEN interactive opportunities to make Profitable Connections to grow your Business!
Where else would you be able to spend 2.5 hours working on your Business and talking about your Business to at least 10 other people for the equivalent of £2.50 per person that you speak to? that is an excellent return on investment in sales and marketing terms
Business Connection XTRA is a great investment of 2.5 hours of your time promoting your Business, creating positive relationships, building the know, like, and trust factors with other Businesses AND making Profitable Connections for your Business!
Yes, there is an Investment of £25.00 per Meeting and we know from those who attend that they get many times this amount back from the Value that comes from the Business Connection experience!