Business Profile information
Promoting you as an Active Connecting Business on the Business Connection Website!
For those Businesses who are Active within Business Connection - attending at least ONE Daytime Connecting Meeting each month, we are now offering to display your details on the Website!
This is to assist you in getting more reach and exposure for your Business at this time through being on the website...
Also, it helps us to Connect and Recommend each other when people ask you "Who you know..." who does whatever - you can now familiarise yourself with the other Active Connecting Businesses within the Business Connection Collective and pass on each others details...
Please take the URL link for your Entry on the Website and promote this on your website to help with Link Building for SEO purpose, both ways...
Below are the minimum fields to be filled in on your Profile on the Website....
The following fields need to be filled in for activating your profile page on the website:
- First name
- Last name
- Image of yourself
- Business name
- Nature of business (just a few words)
- Website field (full address with "https://")
Don't worry, your phone number, email address and invoice details won't appear on the website, of course.
You can also watch this short video about this:
Filling in all the remaining fields is also recommended, but your profile will still work if you leave them empty.
Please bear in mind that your page won't be visible on the website (or will be inactivated automatically) unless you attended at least one event in the last 30 days.